Prepare for a whirlwind of whimsy and wonder with the Disney Princess Magical Adventures Castle, a towering playset that stands 4 feet tall and offers a 360-degree play experience. This majestic castle lights up and plays magical sounds, creating an immersive environment for children to relive their favorite Disney Princess stories. With 10 themed play areas, each dedicated to a different Disney Princess, the possibilities for adventure are endless. The castle features a dazzling light-up tower that simulates a fireworks display, adding to the magical ambiance.
The Disney Princess Magical Adventures Castle features:
– A grand size of 4 feet tall, perfect for engaging play.
– 10 unique play areas each inspired by a different Disney Princess.
– Magical lights and sounds activated by spinning the clock hands.
– Includes 28 accessories for decorating and play, such as furniture and a magic carpet.
– A fun slide and pool area for added adventure.
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